Beware of the Ugly Vases!

There’s a secret lurking around the West German Pottery world. If you can keep it quiet, I’ll let you in on it:

Many Roth vases are not actually that nice.

There, I’ve said it. Just felt that I needed to get that off my chest. Now don’t get me wrong, there are many, many lovely pots made by Roth:

Roth 2004

This is one we brought back from Germany, but unfortunately managed to damage in transit. It still looks gorgeous though and is a good example of a nice Roth glaze.

Roth 4100

Oh, go on then… this one’s alright too:

Roth 4209

Unfortunately, despite some of the lovely glazes that Roth could make, they also made ones like this:

Roth 3037

Some people love them. I personally h-h-hate them. Well, hate is a strong word. Perhaps I merely strongly dislike them.

Roth 50/2
Roth 1103

Aidan’s been telling me off for saying that certain Roth vases are horrible – he thinks I shouldn’t publicly say it in case it hurts his chances of selling them on Ebay. However, I think if you like them, you like them and if you hate them, you hate them. What I say isn’t going to make a difference! Looking at pictures of this one might though:

Roth Slug Vase

Aidan has just informed me that he’s posted that one up on the Pottery and Glass forum and said it looks like it’s covered in slugs! So maybe he’s coming round to the ‘Ugly Vase’ idea after all.

If you’ve seen a particularly ugly vase, let me know. Share the link via the comments. Maybe we should have some kind of ‘Ugly Vase’ contest?

4 Comments Add yours

  1. Garnet says:

    Whoa. Slug vase is right. I do like the tall blue cylinder, though. I think most of them are just too…


    We’ll go with that!


    1. littleowlski says:

      Glad somebody agrees with me! I’ve been told off by several people now for daring to say they’re ugly. Each to their own…! Emma

  2. Emma,

    It’s really no secret, and Roth sure isn’t the only WG company that made some dreadful vases. Some people don’t seem to get the idea that just because it’s WGP doesn’t mean it’s good. Most WGP is fair, a significant percentage is less than that right down to plain ugly. A much smaller percentage is above average to exiquisite…..which is why there’s a significant difference in value….even if that’s not yet reflected on eBay.


  3. hvgt118 says:

    I agreed with the case you hate. Except the slug vase…I like it!

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