It’s Been A Long Time…

It’s been a very long time indeed. Since my last post, we’ve had another baby and continued to expand the empire – the pottery empire – slowly, yet surely. Potsandpots is doing well in its online incarnation, supplying pottery to buyers from around the world. We’ve had some lovely buyers, both old friends and new, come and visit us at HQ in Hadfield. It’s been great fun.

But, I can’t help feeling that it’s time to do something new with it… Perhaps it’s the New Year; perhaps it’s that now we’re out of the baby phase (finally!) I feel like I’m starting to get some of my time back. Whatever the reason, Potsandpots is well past due an upgrade. And so is my blog. The creepy Easter post has been the first thing you see for long enough! My New Year’s Resolution (well, one of them) is to do some more writing this year. So here I am. Let the Retro capers begin!*

*in reality, they have never stopped. They just weren’t being documented.

Carstens Ankara Display in the Dining Room

9 Comments Add yours

  1. Andrew says:

    Welcome back Emma. Long time no blog….. Did you ever receive my message concerning your wonderful collection of vintage women’s magazines? A happy new year to you! Andrew.

    1. littleowlski says:

      Hi Andrew, happy new year! Yes, I thought it was about time I got back into it. I miss the writing and thinking about non-child related things! I’m sorry, I don’t think I did get the message – was it on here or through email? Emma

      1. Andrew says:

        Hello again Emma – Thank you for replying. I posted a message to you quite a while back asking if you would kindly help me to complete my late mum’s ‘Woman’s Own’ Patience Strong poem collection. I noticed that one or two issues that you have featured on your website are not amongst my mum’s poem scrapbooks and I have been trying to complete the missing poems since she sadly passed away suddenly a few years ago in her memory. It would be if you lovely to hear from you but quite understand if you decide not to. Kindest regards, Andrew.

      2. littleowlski says:

        Hi Andrew, apologies for the delay again. Could you let me know which issues you have spotted then I can see what I can do to help. Thanks, Emma

      3. Andrew says:

        Dear Emma,

        What a lovely surprise to receive your message, thank you for finding the time to reply. I may have mentioned before that I have been trying to complete my late mum’s Patience Strong poem collection in her memory as she passed away suddenly a while ago. Mum used to cup out and paste the poem panels into her various scrapbooks and often shared the poems with her friends and read them aloud at her Salvation Army ladies fellowship meetings. Without rechecking your fabulous website I remember spotting several ealy 1950’s issues which would contain the elusive missing poems!! To make things easier I have listed all the 1950’s issues still required:

        Woman’s Own – As of 11th March 2016.

        1950 – Thurs, 12/19 Jan; 23 Feb (only); 9/23 March; 6 April (only); 4/11 May; 29 June (only); 27 July (only); 3/10/24 Aug; 21 Sept (only); 5/26 Oct; 2 Nov (only); 14 Dec (only).

        1951 – Thurs, 18/25 Jan; 1 Feb (only); 22/29 March; 19 April (only); 3/31 May; 13 Dec (only).

        1952 – Thurs, 10/31 Jan; 7 Feb (only); 3 April (only); 5 June (only); 17 July (only); 18 Sept (only); 13/20/27 Nov; 25 Dec (only).

        1953 – Thurs, 22 Jan (only); 25 June (only); 17 Sept (only); 3 Dec (only).

        1954 – Thurs, 25 March (only); 1/15/29 April; 3/10 June; 15/22/29 July.

        1955 – Thurs, 10 Feb (only); 3/24/31 March; 12 May (only); 6 Oct (only).

        1956 – Thurs, 8/29 Nov; 6/27 Dec.

        1957 – Thurs, 14 Feb (only); 14/21 March; 11 April (only); 20 June (only).

        1958 – 26 Nov (only); 31 Dec (only).

        1959 – Week ending, (Sat); 11/18/25 July; 1/8/15/22/29 Aug; 5 Sept (only); 12 Dec (only).

        Thank you once again for your kind and helpful reply Emma.

        Kind regards,

        Andrew (Allen)

        Hayle, Cornwall.

      4. littleowlski says:

        Hi Andrew, I’ll dig out the magazines and have a look. Would a photocopy be sufficient if I have any of the missing poems? Or a guest blog post, featuring pictures of the missing poems, written by you? I’ll have a look what I’ve got them we can figure it out. Kind regards, Emma x

      5. Andrew says:

        Dear Emma, thank you ever so much for your lovely kind reply. Yes, photocopies would be perfect. Mum used to carefully jot down the actual date she cut out the Patience Strong poems from her weekly ‘Woman’s Own’s’ so it has made it quite easy to figure out which ones were missing. If I am not in touch beforehand may I wish you and your family a lovely Easter! God bless. Andrew.

  2. Welcome back – Happy New Year

    1. littleowlski says:

      Thank you, happy new year to you too. I was actually telling someone about your blog at the weekend: your post on comparing collecting WGP to fishing, I think it was.

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