We’re Off to New York!


You may remember my post on our entry to the Alpro competition… it was the last post I did. (Apologies for the massive gaps in blogging. There’s a tiny person around nowadays who kind of takes up virtually all of my attention).

Well, we won.

Honestly, we really, really won. So we are off on our first holiday as a family to New York City! We’ll be spending three nights at the 4* Empire Hotel, overlooking Central Park and indulging in some very swanky – and hopefully delicious – breakfasts at a number of different places, courtesy of the very generous folk at Alpro.  Corliss’s passport application has been sent off this week; that should arrive back within the next month then we just need to decide when we’re jetting off.

Alpro Small

(Aidan is sitting next to me as I write this and has just said to me, “How have you heard this song?” Seriously, he’s never heard it before. How??)

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