Alpro #deskfest Competition


We’ve entered a competition with Alpro to try and win a weekend in New York City. Now, I know what you’re thinking… New parents? Trying to win a holiday? Well, the chances are slim but it was great fun doing it!

The details for the competition are here and this is our entry below:

shot_1362327893538You had to tweet a picture of you enjoying your Alpro breakfast at your work desk. Aidan being Aidan, he can’t resist the opportunity to do something a bit out of the ordinary. We’ve got another entry for tomorrow, but I’ll keep that one a secret for now.

If you like our picture and would like to help us out trying to win the holiday (!) then please click here and tweet about it, share the picture on Facebook or ‘pin’ it… Thanks in advance!

We went into Aidan’s office at the weekend to take the pictures – he’s not dared tell anyone at work about this, so it might be highly amusing if we do, by some miracle, win! Corliss had a whale of a time with the paper from the office paper shredder:


At one point, she went suspiciously quiet and I found a piece of paper tucked inside her cheek. She was gumming away on it – amazing how they quickly learn to keep quiet when they’re up to no good! If this is what she’s like at 15 weeks, I dread to think what tricks she’ll have learned by 15 months! Much to our amusement, she’s desperately trying to roll over from back to front, usually accompanied by all manner of unladylike grunts of exertion…

If we hear anything about the competition (yeah right!), I’ll obviously blog about it here. Not getting my hopes up but… imagine the blogging from New York City…!

2 Comments Add yours

  1. charlottejane says:

    I have a comment about the brown jug just to the right of the Alpro competition, as it appears on screen.
    I recently bought a vase same colour and decoration and similar shape- any info on what it is would be gratefully received! – no markings on base.

  2. Corliss looks very happy underneath all those paper shavings.. 🙂

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