February Ramblings

As every new parent will know, the first few months with a new baby are fairly manic. Some days, it gets to about 5pm and I think, ‘What have I actually done today?’ Usually the answer involves feeding, nappy changing and playing. Luckily, we seem to have quite a chilled out baby, which means we…

Hello 2013, Goodbye 2012

It’s been so long, I almost feel the need to reintroduce myself. Hello, my name is Emma and this is my blog. Here I share pictures of my passion for various mid century ephemera and some tit-bits about my life… will that do? It’s safe to say that 2012 was a big year. Not just…

Baby Owl Ski

Baby Owl Ski has arrived! Baby Corliss arrived this week, a huge baby girl weighing in at 9lbs 5oz. We’re all doing well – the Potsandpots eBay empire has even continued to trade and Corliss has had her first trip to the post office already. It may be some time before I get back into…

A Holiday Project: Southwold

Image found here We’re off on holiday tomorrow, travelling for over five hours to Southwold in Suffolk. Our cottage doesn’t have any internet (shock, horror!) so I’ve concocted a holiday project to keep me entertained. Using my phone, I’ll find a picture of something each day to upload to my blog. I’ll try and find…

West German Pottery: Autumnal Colours

There is a definite chill in the air now and that lovely October feeling is starting to steal over me. I adore this time of year: Hallowe’en, Bonfire Night, leaves falling from the trees, woolly scarves and hats, mulled wine. Although we’re still decorating like mad – which means I can’t create my usual Autumn…

Funland Arcades

I don’t know what it is but I love arcades. Give me a seaside town, two pounds worth of 2ps and an hour in an arcade and I’m happy. This weekend we were in Southport for a wedding and despite only arriving at the hotel a couple of hours before the reception was due to…

Weddings and Wiggins: A Busy Summer

I write that heading after being sat in my green egg chair for the last hour watching the Olympics! With the exception of this week (forever remembered as the time the Olympics stole my life), we’ve had a busy time of it of late. No change there then. Sports and weddings appear to be the…

Pottery for Sale

There are some stunners amongst the latest batch of West German Pottery for sale on Aidan’s Ebay (if I do say so myself!). Scheurich glazes, even the most simple ones, deserve some appreciation. Last week I looked at the Scheurich Lora glaze; there’s one for sale here which is a particularly striking piece. I also…

The Olympic Torch in Ashton

On Sunday, Aidan persuaded me to go and see the Olympic torch relay travelling through our nearest local town of Ashton. Despite the start time of 10.06 for the beginning of the Ashton leg, I happen to go out with the most organised man in Britain, so at 8.55 precisely, we set off on the…

Tretchikoff – Melon Boy

The fabulous folks, Jen and Gough from Wowie Zowie came over on Wednesday night to buy some West German Pottery for their wonderful shop. They had very kindly brought us a gift: It’s actually signed by Tretchikoff himself and has a good little back story to it. Wowie Zowie bought it from an old woman…

Versatile Blogger Award

I’ve been lucky enough to receive this Blogland award not once, but twice now in the last couple of months. The first time I received it was from the lovely Claire at Miss Simmonds Says during the internet blackout of February 2012 a.k.a When The World Stopped (we moved house…). This time I’ve been nominated…

Packing and moving…

We’re deep into packing this weekend, ready to move on Tuesday and Wednesday. Box chaos! So until we’re in the new place and sorted out the internet, it’s goodbye from him: And it’s goodbye from me: See you on the other side! Emma and Aidan